March 31
Gathering of Developers Announces KISS Psycho Circus for Sega Dreamcast
From: TSI Communications
Dallas, TX, March 29, 2000 -- Developer-driven computer and video game publisher Gathering of Developers today announced that the company will publish KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child for Sega Dreamcast. Game developer Tremor Entertainment will bring Third Law Interactive's KISS Psycho Circus to the 128-bit system with online multiplayer capabilities. Gathering of Developers Developers will showcase KISS Psycho Circus at this year's upcoming Electronic Entertainment Expo and will release KISS Psycho Circus this summer."Gathering recognizes the growing consumer demand for incredible properties on next-generation console systems," said Harry Miller, president of The Gathering. "KISS is one of the hottest licenses and Third Law Interactive has done an incredible job bringing it to the PC. We know Tremor will translate the gameplay beautifully to the Sega Dreamcast to make it a hit on that system."
Click Here To Read The Full Press Release
KISS Rockonline/Yahoo Chat Review
From: Unholy / KISS Army Online Bulletin Board
The interview began right on time and Paul Stanley was the only member there. Most questions that were submitted were asked by fans outside the chat room. But, there were a couple of questions that were asked that shed some new light on the future: 1. The ALIVE IV album has been put on hold indefinitely. The band missed their deadline, and now does not know when it will be released (Paul says it will be released). 2. There will not be another official KISS Convention Tour. If there are any more KISS conventions, however, Paul said he would probably show up for some. 3. Paul will possibly do another solo tour down the road. When he does, he said it will be totally different from the one in 1989, and will not include members of KISS. 4. The setlist for the tour will remein the same. The band has no intentions of playing any obscure songs in order to please 15 or 20 people there, when 13,000 would rather hear the familiar ones. (That's a quote...) The rest of the news from Paul was the same news that we already have heard, over and over again...
March 30
Fans Scoop-Up Nearly 40,000 Tickets on First Day of Exclusive KISS Farewell Tour Sale
NEW YORK, March 30 /PRNewswire/ -- is again offering "KISS" fans their first chance to purchase tickets for "KISS: The Farewell Tour" in 32 additional cities. Rabid "KISS" fans have already picked up nearly 40,000 tickets for the second leg of the tour since the online sale started on Wednesday. The exclusive KISS pre-sale lasts through Friday, March 31. Fans can log on to to purchase tickets through for the second leg of the band's upcoming farewell tour before they go on sale to the general public on April 1. and originally sold more than 83,000 tickets for the first leg of The Farewell Tour, which kicked off in Phoenix, AZ on March 11th. The next leg of "KISS: The Farewell Tour" is sponsored by VH1 and kicks off on May 2nd in Charleston, WV.
KISS Rockonline/Yahoo Chat Tonight
KISS ASYLUM wants to remind all its visitors that KISS will be participating in a chat tonight, March 30th at 10pm eastern at Rockonline/Yahoo.
New Spencers Exclusive Blood Splattered Gene Simmons Figure
From: Joe D. / KISS Hell Online
The new version of Gene's 1st figure is out now from McFarlane Toys. The new Gene comes with with axe bass, snake (different color) & same costume as the first series, except that it's painted differently with red on boots & armor, as well as most armor on the costume being a dark silver/black color. The new face is a demon smile that looks pretty cool (with blood dripping from the mouth). The packaging is awesome with a blood splattered case that is the coolest packaging I've seen for any McFarlane KISS figure so far. This costs $30 & is a limited edition figure exclusive to Spencers stores. Photo from Click for a larger image.
March 29
VH-1 KISS Farewell Tour Pre-sale Tickets
Just a reminder to KISS ASYLUM visitors that VH-1 is pre-selling tickets for the second leg of the KISS Farewell Tour starting today at 8am. Everyone can get an early jump on the tickets before they go onsale nationally on April 1st. To purchase tickets simply click over to's KISS page. Also, for those that missed the KISS Opening Night Live show from Phonenix a few weeks back, VH1 is replaying it tonight, March 29th at 8:30pm est/pst.
Goldmine KISS Interview Slated For Mid May Issue
From: Ken Sharp
I wanted to let all the KISS ASYLUM visitors know that my new Goldmine KISS interviews will run as a cover story in mid May. I interviewed the band in person before the San Diego show. While the interview does not focus on obscure tracks, et al. like some of my
previous interviews, I still believe that it turned out well with everything from Gene speaking about his Father and discussing who was KISS' worst opening act to Paul talking about the supposed Kiss/Aerosmith rivalry in the 70's and the Raspberries songs he paid homage to on his solo track "Wouldn't You Like To Know Me." Goldmine will also hold a a giveaway of a signed KISS "Farewell Tour" program.
Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley Expose Their Roots
There was a time in rock 'n roll history when a band didn't make it from point A to point B without passing through Kiss territory. Be it the stage show, the makeup, or the music, Kiss had as much impact on tennis-racquet guitar slingers of the '70s as the Beatles had just
a few years before. And, like the Beatles, Kiss continues to have an enormous impact
on pop culture. Their merchandising campaigns are the stuff of legend, as the band has had success selling everything from lunch boxes to throw pillows. Just when you
thought Kiss had run out of steam, they've come back with a world tour, a live album,
and even a movie - Detroit Rock City - cementing their status as rock gods. Turning the idol worship idea back on the band itself, we spoke with Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley about some of the music they might have worshipped. If you think these guys are all lipstick and grease paint, prepare to think again. Neither Gene nor Paul was given any prior information about the records played.
Click Here To Read The Full Article!
KISS Kicks Up Flames, Stunts, Fiery Rock
From: via Pam Witherspoon
By Mark Brown - You wanted the best! And you got -- well, at first you got Ted Nugent and Skid Row. But then you got what you came for: KISS in a cheesy night of big, greasy, dumb American rock 'n' roll. Which isn't an insult; in fact, it's a description of KISS' music
that Gene Simmons likely wouldn't object to at all. It is, after all, the point of the whole thing. KISS said it's the farewell tour because they wanted to go out on top. Ask anyone in the Pepsi Center Tuesday night, and they'd tell you that's exactly what they did.
Click Here To Read The Full Article & Post Your Comments And Grade The Show
Nashville KISS Expo Only 2 Weeks Away
From: Gary Conn
Are you ready for something different? The most unusual KISS Expo ever returns! KISSaholics and Kreatures of the South are proud to announce The 2nd Annual Nashville KISS Expo, Sunday April 16, 2000 at the Tennessee National Guard Armory (same location as the 1st Nashville Expo - I-65, Exit 79-Armory Drive from 11am-8pm.). Special guests include: Eric Singer-Former KISS drummer; Karl Cochran-KISS Songwriter/Ace Frehley songwriter/bassist/guitarist/vocalist; Bruce Terkildsen-Karl Cochran bassist/vocalist-Bruce Terkildsen; Andre "The Giant" Augustine-former KISS bodyguard/KISS author; and stay tuned for additional surprise guests. The special events include: Eric Singer Q & A session, and Autograph/Photo session!, Andre Augustine Q & A session, and Autograph/Photo session!, KISS KWIZ Game Show!, KISS Tattoo & Look-alike Contests!, Chance to win a Eric Singer Autographed Pearl Drum!, Live performance by "The Eric Singer Project" featuring: Eric Singer-Drums/Vocals, Karl Cochran-Guitars/Vocals, & Bruce Terkildsen-Bass/Vocals!, KISS Dealers from all over the U.S., Canada, & Europe buying/selling & trading every KISS item imaginable! The Official Nashville KISS Expo Hotel is the La Quinta Inn (Sidco Drive)(same as the 1st year). Call 615-834-6900 and ask for the $52 (plus tax) KISS Expo rate (which includes a Continental breakfast). This rate is good until April 7th. Advance Souvenir Tickets $10., ($12. day of show) (Children 10 and under are
FREE with paid Adult admission). Advance Souvenir Tickets will be available in and around Nashville starting March 21st Mail order tickets: Send $10. per ticket(check or money order) w/.33 stamp to either address: Nashville KISS Expo Tickets, 5595 Ashewoode Downs Drive, Alpharetta, Georgia 30005-4396. Make checks payable to: Phil Elliott. Also you can charge by phone @ 770-753-9630 (All major credit cards accepted) or Nashville KISS Expo Tickets, P.O. Box 149151, Nashville, Tennessee 37214. Payable to: Gary Conn Jr. KISS Dealers contact: Phil Elliott @ 770-753-9630 The 1st Annual Nashville KISS Expo drew 800+ rowdy KISSfanatics! Come and plan on staying the whole day for a ton of surprizes! The Farewell tour hits Nashville April 28th so the city should be at fever pitch come April 16th. Video cameras & Still cameras are welcome!
March 28
KISS Closes 27-Year Career With Goodbye Gift To Fans
From: via Dennis Stanley
KISS has been vilified by parents as the nadir of rock 'n' roll since the band broke out 27 years ago. Its members have been painted as Satan's pawns by the church. They've been dismissed as rubbish by the critics. And they've been embraced as gods by their fans. Now
the band has one of the hottest rock tours of the year yet again -- just as it did in the '70s, the '80s and the '90s. Out of respect, we could give them a moment of silence. But this is KISS. So instead, let's just give them a moment to say, "Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah!" "When we first hit the scene, critics said that we wouldn't make it to a second album," guitarist Paul Stanley recalls. "They were determined to kill us, and we were determined to step on them -- with 7-inch heels. It's not that hard."
Click Here To Read The Full Article!
KISS Alive IV Appears Delayed
KISS ASYLUM has received numerous reports from vendors across the U.S. mentioning that Alive IV has been pulled from their upcoming release sheets. Additionally, is reporting that Alive IV has indeed been delayed. Originally scheduled to be released March 28th, Alive IV was recently pushed back to an April 18th release date. The official reason for the apparent indefinite delay is not known at this time.
More Information On The KISS Fan's Death In Oakland
One of KISS' celebratory farewell concerts in California was marred by tragedy on Thursday (March 23) when a member of the KISS Army plunged to his death. The man, a biochemist identified as Shawn Stubblefield, tumbled from the upper tier of the Oakland Arena and fell to his death. Upon arriving at Highland Hospital, the 36-year-old Stubblefield was pronounced dead from the injuries he sustained. Stubblefield reportedly fell from a retaining wall where he was positioned, plummeting 40 feet before hitting a concrete abutment. He then fell another 15 feet to the first tier of seating. Police have called the incident an accident. According to the Oakland Tribune, the noise from KISS' set was so loud that most of the fans and the band were unaware that the tragedy had occurred until the concert had come to a close. KISS' management said that band members were upset about the accident. But they emphasized that the death was not caused by their own elaborate live production. Ken Zendels, a KISS fan who also scaled the wall, told the Tribune's Laura Counts he witnessed the fall. Zendels said, "His hands went up [when he apparently lost his balance] and he was gone. We looked over the edge and we knew he was a goner. He was lying in a pool of blood."
Click Here To Read The Full Story
KISS Coming To Game Console Near You
From: via Mike Hogan
If the thought of Kiss packing up its greasepaint and spandex for good bums you out in a major way, fear not. The band will live on forever in a mountain of Kiss-related merchandise that will soon include a video game.
"KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child" will arrive this summer, giving PC and Sega Dreamcast players the chance to shoot their way through a big top populated by demonic circus creatures inspired by the band's recent "Psycho Circus" line of comic books and action figures (both crafted by "Spawn" creator Todd McFarlane). Not too surprisingly, Kiss tunes pop up throughout the game, as jukeboxes in the game churn out such songs as "Psycho Circus," "Rock And Roll All Nite," "Detroit Rock City," "Shout It Out Loud," "Hotter Than Hell," "God Of Thunder," "Love Gun," "Cold Gin," and "Unholy."
Click Here To Read The Full Story.
Bruce Kulick & John Corabi on Z-92FM
From: Darrell
Bruce Kulick and John Corabi of UNION will be talking to Todd n Tyler on Z-92Fm in Omaha Tuesday morning, 3/28, at 9am central time. You can also tune in at and check it out. Andre Augustine will be chatting with the morning duo on Wednesday, 3/29, at 9am central also on Z-92Fm and These interviews will be leading up to the KISS EXPO 2000 in Omaha, Nebraska this Sunday April 2nd. Tickets are going fast!
March 26
KISS Farewell Tour Dates - Second Leg
The tour dates for the second leg of the KISS Farewell Tour have been added to the Tour Dates section of KISS ASYLUM. It appears that the San Bernardino, CA and Gorge, WA shows have been postponed and are to be rescheduled at a future date according to Kiss Online. Tickets for the second leg of the KISS Farewell Tour officially go on sale on April 1st but online fans can get a head start in ordering KISS tickets as will be officially pre-selling the tickets online starting March 29th. Click over to the KISS ASYLUM Tour Dates page to view the updated KISS tour dates.
KISS Pepsi Commercial
The KISS Pepsi commercial ran last night during the Acadamy Awards. Did you miss it? If so they you can view it at the website. They are also running a poll on the website as to which Pepsi commercial was the viewers favorite. KISS is curently way out front and lets keep them there! To go to the voting page and be able to watch the KISS Pepsi Commercial via Windowns Media Player/Real Player click to this page.
KISS Chat at
From: Kiss Online
RockOnline/Yahoo along with Kiss Online are presenting a KISS chat March 30th at 10pm eastern at
Calistoga Man Dies In Fall At KISS Concert
From: Santa Rosa Press Democrat via Matthew Farmer
A 36-year-old Calistoga biochemist who worked for area wineries died after falling 100 feet to the concrete floor of the Oakland Arena during a concert by the rock group Kiss Thursday night. Shaun Stubblefield, whose seat was far from the stage in the back of the third tier, was seen sitting on a concrete retaining wall about four to six feet high before the fall, according to an Oakland Police Deparment spokesman. "It all happened so quickly. One minute he told us that he was walking to the restroom and the next moment we're being asked by security guards whether or not we saw anyone fall,'' said his brother, Brian Stubblefield of Healdsburg. Click Here To Read The Full Story
UNION Quicktime Blue Room Video Promo Clips
From: UNOIN Asylum
UNION Asylum has a treat for all of the band's fans. Just added to the Multimedia-Video section of UNION Asylum are 4 cool new UNION promo quicktime clips available for download. Included are small video montage clips for "Do Your Own Thing", "Shine", "Who Do You Think You Are", and a clip which combines all three selections. These video montage promo clips were developed by Click over to the Multimedia-Video section to download and enjoy these cool clips!
"A World Withour Heroes" Novel & CD Reviews
Based in part on both the concept album "The Elder" and the 1978 NBC TV movie, "KISS Meets The Phantom of The Park" , both truth and fiction come together as we re-visit the band from their early days on the streets of New York to their fictional encounters with the magical Talismans, all in a true to life timeline of events.Inside you'll find the first full length Soundtrack to accompany a novel! Similar to that of a motion picture Soundtrack, each and every chapter is represented by a carefully chosen KISS song to follow the storyline. A musical journey re-created by artists all over the world, this disc makes for a KISS Tribute CD like no other. 100% of all profits from this package will be donated to the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin in the dame of the KISS Army Online and in memory of late KISS drummer Eric Carr. Why was KISS chosen for the Talismans? Can Ace change the dark destiny as foretold by the Elders? Can Eric or Peter save the day or will Blackwell destroy KISS? The answers lie inside as does the music of a generation. Experience KISS like you never have before! To order this book click over to and to submit a review of this book click over to the KISS ASYLUM Views "World Without Heroes" review section and give us your thoughts!
March 24
KISS 'em Goodbye
OAKLAND - With the possible exception of the dearly departed Grateful Dead, KISS may have the most loyal following of any rock group in the world. After all, how many people did you see taking two hours to make themselves up like Jerry Garcia before a concert? Thank heavens. Thursday night's Kiss show at the Oakland Arena drew the rabidly faithful, the folks who have loved the group since the mid-'70s, those who picked up on them later and a fair smattering of children dragged to the venue by their parents. And on their Farewell Tour (at least until their next goodbye), all of the original band members - bassist Gene Simmons, guitarist and lead singer Paul Stanley, lead guitar player Ace Frehley and drummer Peter Criss - delivered well more than two hours of power chords, explosions, 30-foot flames, bloody tongues, Kabuki make-up and 5-inch platform heels.
Click Here To Read The Full Review
Faltal Fall From Balcony At Oakland KISS Concert
OAKLAND - A concertgoer tumbled to his death last night from an upper-level balcony at the Oakland Arena during a performance by the rock band Kiss. The man, whose identity was unavailable last night, fell at about10:45 p.m., police said. He suffered severe head injuries and was pronounced dead at Highland Hospital shortly after 11 p.m., a nursing supervisor said. Police homicide detectives were dispatched to the arena to investigate the death. It was not known how the man fell, police said.
March 23
KISS Road Report: Baked In Bakersfield
It only took one wrong turn on our directions to send us out into the boondocks. We pull into a gas one-stop caffeine emporium and ask where the Centennial Hall is. "'Bout seven miles the other way," said the lady, warily looking us up and down. "What kind of thing's going on there tonight?" My buddy, Pat Fear, jerked to attention in mock-Paul Stanley pose and loudly proclaimed, "KISS!" He then let loose, in the middle of AM/OD or whatever it was, this loud "Yeeeeaaaaahh!" that he claims sound EXACTLY like Paul Stanley but in fact sounds something like a breed of wild monkey from the African plains. No matter, the intention was good. It should be noted that Pat Fear, leader of mutant pop-core band White Flag (celebrating their 20th year "in the business," with no farewell tour in sight), is probably the biggest Kiss fan I've ever known. He has seen the band perform in excess of 150 times. He claims to have actually purchased tickets twice. He knows all the Kiss staff on a first name basis. He knows fans from around the world that, like him, abandon a normal life and trivialities like shelter and income in order to follow KISS around on tour from town to town. To me, this show is a failsafe as I've been out of town when the band played in the Los Angeles area. To Pat, this is just another stop on a pilgrimage to "the end," a moment when Kiss will cease to exist and his life will have considerably less meaning.It's just a band you might say, but to the foot soldiers of the Kiss Army, it's sorta like being a devout Christian and hearing from Jesus that he's hanging up the sandals and passing the cross to a mere mortal like the Pope. So, this feeling of anticipation mixed with an unavoidable dread fills the air, and as we pass Buck Owens Blvd., we know we're getting close. As we pass a hospital, we're reminded of one of Paul Stanley's hilarious pre-song rants, in which he claims a girl in an airport asked him if he was a rock star. "Honey, I am a DOCTOR. And see those three guys over there? They are doctors, too. And we are about to perform a MAJOR OPERATION at the Forum."
Click Here To Read The Full Article
KISS That Weekend Goodbye
To understand how important this Farewell Tour is to me you need to know how long I have been a KISS fan. I first became aware of KISS when I was in the third grade. I could name all the members and draw all the make-up designs. In fourth grade I was the proud owner of Destroyer and started meeting other kids that were into KISS as well. My fascination with the band just grew from there. I never did get to see the original KISS the first time around. However, my first concert was KISS on their Asylum tour. Since then I have seen them about fifteen times prior to the start of the Farewell Tour. I even saw the Crazy Nights Tour!When news of the Farewell Tour was announced I wasn't sure how to feel. Good, because I would get to see all original members of KISS on tour again. Bad, because it would be the last time. Confused, was this just a gimmick or the real thing? Well, it appears to be the real thing.
Click Here To Read The Full Article
March 22
KISS Farewell Tour Concert Photos From Anaheim
There are some nice photo's of KISS from their Farewell Tour concert at Anaheim at Click Here to view the photos!.
State Of The UNION
From: by Gerri Miller - Tuesday, March 21, 2000
Pink-slipped when their respective bands reverted to their original lineups, guitarist Bruce Kulick, who'd spent 12 years in KISS, and John Corabi, who recorded one album with Motley Croe, joined forces three and a half years ago, and with bassist Jamie Hunting and drummer Brent Fitz, issued Union's self-titled debut in 1998. Now, two years and one live album later, they're back with an impressive sophomore effort that sounds huge and rocks hard. Closer in spirit and sound to '70s rock than to the '80s bands Union is often lumped in with, The Blue Room is named after producer Bob Marlette's blue-painted studio, where Van Gogh's "Starry Night" is reproduced on a wall. Its cover art is designed "to make you think, go somewhere with us," says Kulick, who categorizes the song structure as "simpler, more defined, more musical" this time around. "It's a newer, fresher sound," Corabi adds. While Union's first album was largely written by Kulick, Corabi and producer Curt Cuomo before Hunting and Fitz joined the band, this is more of team effort and reflects time spent together and road-seasoning. "I see the new album as a further evolution, not only because we have all the members from the ground up but also no one came in with finished demos. Everyone is credited as a writer on and helped shape each of the songs. It all evolved organically," says Kulick.
Click Here To Read The Full Article!
March 21
KISS Rocks All Night, Parties One More Day
From: By Gary Graff
DETROIT (Reuters) - After nearly 30 years, the members of Kiss still rock 'n' roll all night and party every day. But not for much longer. The controversial hard rock group, formed in 1972 in New York City, has announced it will put away the grease paint, pyrotechnics and high-heeled boots after its current concert tour wraps late this summer. The band will play its 1976 breakthrough hit, "Rock and Roll All Nite," one last time and then be gone -- for good, according to bassist Gene Simmons. "We've never played that game," Simmons, 50, says of those who think the farewell tour is just another one many marketing gambits. "We've always pretty much said what we mean and meant what we said. We go out on top, and on our own terms." That is pretty much the way Kiss always has operated since Simmons, guitarists Paul Stanley and Paul "Ace" Frehley and drummer Peter Criss
joined forces and separated themselves from other rockers by donning makeup and adopting outrageous onstage stunts, such as Frehley's exploding guitars and Simmons' fire-blowing and blood-spitting demon persona. Thanks to persistence and hard touring, Kiss won a mass audience with 1975's "Alive!" and went on to sell nearly 75 million albums and, as Simmons proudly notes, earn more gold records (23) than any other rock act save the Beatles. "We basically decided to write our own rules," he says, "including pouring our own blood in the ink for our own comic book (in 1977), just anything wacko and, ultimately, to have fun." There have been fallow periods, too. Criss and Frehley left the group in 1980 and 1982, respectively, each dogged by drug addictions. Simmons
and Stanley, meanwhile, soldiered on against pop music trends, even dropping the makeup in 1983. But thanks to the Kiss Army, a core of devoted followers, Kiss's albums kept going gold and regularly rolled into the Top 40 of the Billboard charts. "We have a lot in common with all great things American. If you think about it, America doesn't really have a lot of respect, but it's the culture that rules the world. (Kiss) has a lot more in common with hamburgers and wrestling and Hollywood movies than we do with ... crepes and caviar. "We really are the quintessential American band -- of the people, for the people, by the people." Click Here To Read The Full Article!
KISS Strike Fanzine News
From: Nico
Finally STRIKE 46 is out!!! The copies for the KISS Army International members have been mailed out on Saturday 18th of March and the copies for the european newsagents distribution just left Italy. Soon we'll mail out the copies for the US distributors and main dealers. So you can get your copy at Tower Records, Kiss Museum, and David Snowden in a week or two. Also copies for Australia and Japan will be sent out shortly. For more detailed info you can check STRIKE web site and there you can also find scans of some inside pages plus part of the Mark St. John exclusive interview. Inside strike as always you will find over 100 unreleased photos including some of Paul as the phantom without the mask!!! If you want to know more you can also e-mail us at
KISS Just Never Can Say Goodbye
From: Orange County Register via Jerry Cornish
The band rocks mightily and blows up lots of stuff in farewell show, but doesn't give the die-hards enough.Farewell, huh? Yeah, right. Somehow it seems like these guys are bound to pull a Who sooner than later. They'll just keep saying goodbye but never actually go away. Think about it: What else can the masked men of Kiss do? Click Here To Read The Full Review
KISS Guilty Of Using Excessive Farce
From: LA Times via Jerry Cornish
KISS them goodbye. Rock's most cartoonish band ever is calling it quits--as a touring entity anyway--and not a minute too soon, given a couple of Spinal Tap-worthy moments in the quartet's farewell stop Saturday at the Arrowhead Pond. Click Here To Read The Full Review
Wendy O Williams Last Album, "WOW" Available on CD
From: Ryan /
The late great Wendy O. Williams' last album, "WOW." Produced by Gene Simmons with guest appearances by Ace Frehley, Paul Stanley and the late Eric Carr. The CD is currently out of print but is available on CD with limited quantities left at for $20. Song List: I Love Sex (And Rock And Roll), It's My Life, Priestess, Thief In the Night, Opus In Cm7, Ready to Rock, Bump and Grind, Legends Never Die, Ain't None of Your Business.
Vinnie Paul Of Pantera Comments On KISS Farewell
From: Joe D. / KISS Hell Online
I recently interviewed Vinnie of Pantera & asked what he thought (as a fan) of KISS foing a farewell tour? "I hope it ain't the last time around for them but I'll definitely be there just in case. If it is the last time around they can all go to their own island & have anything they want & say hey there's not an ass we didn't kick somewhere on this planet. They did it all & they're great. Hats off to em." How did Pantera pick 'Cat Scratch Fever' for D.R.C.? "That was Gene Simmons. He called us & wanted us to do it & we've known the KISS guys for a while. We did a South American tour & Gene & Paul have always been interested
in Pantera & always very cool to us & when they asked we were like no problem
plus we're Nugent fans anyways."
"The Band Not Formerly Known As KISS" Upcoming Show Info
From: David DeCasper
Texas' tribute band "The Band Not Formerly Known as KISS" is playing several major events/benefits over the next few weeks. First off, the band is playing live on the KLOL FM101.1 Houston, Texas morning show this Friday. They will be covering the KISS classic songs as well as pushing the big show coming to the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion on 1 April, 2000. You can listen to the show live by going to this Friday, April 24th, 2000. The band will perform several songs from 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. (CST) After the 101 morning show, the band will be playing at VQ Live in Houston, Texas the night before KISS hits town as a pre-show party!!! Finally, DeCasper Entertainment Group and have put together a benefit/farewell party on Saturday, April 15, 2000 in New Orleans, LA. All the proceeds from this event are going to the Eric Carr Foundation.
UNION Interview In Real Video
From: UNOIN Asylum
Metal Edge Online has posted an interview with UNION, filmed backstage at their March 11th show at Pleasures in Pasadena, CA! The Real Video interview, done by Gerri Miller, is now available only in the Metal Edge Member's Area. If you are a registered online member, just log on to watch Bruce and the guys talk about their new album, tour plans and much more. If you aren't a registered member of Metal Edge Online yet, you can be, just head to and sign up!
March 20
Fan Feedback: "If KISS Tours After The Farewell Tour..."
Recenlty published a report that "songwriter/publisher Stan Penridge and his Rock Steady Music have filed a lawsuit against KISS, their publishing companies, record label, and the KISS Organization for breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, unfair business practices, and violation of the Lanham Act." In the past, Vinnie Vincent and the owners of the rights to Alice Cooper's song "Eighteen" have filed lawsuits against KISS as well. In our latest poll, KISS ASYLUM asked: "Do you thinkthe recent lawsuits have validity, or is it just a ploy to get some attention by riding the coat tails of KISS and their resurgence in popularity over the past few years?." From the results, 54% of theKISS fans believe that they are taking advantage of the opportunity to bring up these lawsuits while only 29% of the fans thought that there was some validity and some opportunism. The final poll breakdown is as follows: Taking advantage of opportunity
,54.4% (586 Votes); Some validity, some opportunism, 29.3% (316 Votes); Valid legal reasons for lawsuits, 9.2% (100 Votes); Not Sure 6.8% (74 Votes)
Loyal KISS fans just don't want to see KISS stop touring, and hope that some how, some way this current Farewell Tour will not be the last KISS tour. If, down the road, KISS were to decide that they didn't want the Farewell Tour to be their last either, how do you think they'd hit the road again? In our latest Fan Feedback Poll KISS ASYLUM wants to know: "If KISS were to ever tour again, in what incarnation of the band do you think (not what you want) it would be?" Click over to to cast your vote and make your opinion heard. Also, don't forget to post up your comments about "your thoughts on a possible new tour after the farewell tour" on KISS ASYLUM's KISS Army Online bulletin board at
KISS Omaha Expo 2000 Tickets Going Fast
From: Jonathon Bear
If you are planning on attending the Omaha Kiss Expo Sunday April 2nd, you may want to hit Ticketmaster fast! Tickets are flying out the door and online as well. Don't
miss out on the midwests first Kiss Expo. Union will perform and Bruce Kulick and Andre Augustine will hold Q & A's and autograph signings. Door prizes all day with
raffle ticket proceeds to go the the Eric Carr foundation for cancer research. Vendors including Kissonline will have official merchandise including Spencer Gifts with Gene Simmons Punisher Basses available and more. Some hotel rooms are available by contacting the Holiday Inn Central direct at (402)393-3950 and ask for the Kiss Expo
rate of $69.00. Additional venors interested contact Alive IV Productions at Local Omaha info contact us at Don't miss out!
Click Here For More Expo Information!
March 19
Alternate Album Focus: Dressed To Kill!
From: Rich Hund
The insatiable appetite of KISS fans for news on their favorite group has never been fed as much as it has been in the last few years. Many long-term KISS fans learned the band's history slowly and in patches, first through their music and album covers, then magazine articles and rumors from classmates in school, and finally through the KISSTORY book, various biographies, and the Internet. These fans now know more than ever about the
personalities, studio musicians, mindsets of members throughout the years. And yet so much mystery remains. So many stories, facts and tidbits remain shrouded in secrecy. The Alternate Album Focus rips off this veil and exposes KISS for who they really were and are.
Dressed To Kill:The HTH tour took a lot out of the band. Gene and Paul were still fighting for control of the band, but Paul faced a bigger problem going into the DTK sessions. Peter was acting distant and Paul wasn't sure why. This sudden coldness came at the same time Gene was tring to pull Ace over to his side, so Ace became the rope in Paul and Gene's tug-of-war at this point, with Gene wanting Ace as a partner to combat Paul and Peter, and Paul wanting Ace as a friend just to get Peter jealous. For instance, Paul had been telling Peter for years that they should write a song together. Instead, Paul took Ace as a writing partner on DTK. Ace, always willing to go where the wind took him, was happy to write with anybody and for anybody; he didn't seem particularly drawn to either Paul or Gene. In an effort to woo Ace, Gene even considered rewriting "She," changing every "she" or "her" to "Ace." He apparently realized quickly the awful images the lyrics created. Click Here To Read The Entire Dressed To Kill Album Focus Parody!
KISS Experiences Technical Problems in Anaheim
From: James Soucie
I just got back from the Anaheim, CA. gig and they had a few interesting problems. When Gene was coming down from the rafters on "God of Thunder" the cable stopped about 4 feet from the ground and wouldn't go any lower. He was kicking his feet for a long time until they realized he wasn't coming down. The road crew finally got a big box and scrambled out to the stage to get Gene down. Paul had to do the 'demon monologue' of the song while they were cutting Gene down. But thats not it! When Paul tried to swing across the seats to the middle of the venue for "Love Gun," he got stuck over the 10th row. He tried to wave someone to get him back to the regular stage but to no avail. Gene sang almost the whole song before Paul was lowered into the crowd and basically dragged to the stage. He and Gene were fuming and could be seen in the side stage tunnels screaming at someone. Paul stopped the song and apologized and started "Love Gun" over. Also set list was different as they dropped Into the void and did "2000 Man" and did not do "I Stole Your Love." They only did 2 encores, "Beth" and "Rock 'N' Roll All Nite.".
Click Here To Read The Farewell Tour Reviews!
New Official KISS Psycho Circus Gaming Website
Just launched this week is a new KISS Psycho Circus Gaming Website from Thrid Law and Gathering of Developers. Located at this website appears to be a sister website to the website. has a very visually appealing design decked out with all the comic art of the KISS Psycho Circus Comics and images from the Psycho Circus Nightmare Child video game. Some of the features of this website include a contest section where you can win prizes, a forum section where fans can ask questions, get hints and support for the video game and KISS community links. Additionally, there are pages for each member of KISS which detail their video game persona as well as give an overview of the game storyline, media press articles on the game and cool downloads. KISS gamers and fans alike should really check out!
Metal Edge KISS Farewell Magazine Available At KISS Shop
From: KISS Shop
114 color pages containing exclusive interviews with Gene, Paul, Ace & Peter. Gerri Miller talks to them about what the farewell tour means to them and the fans. They also discuss their history, the farewell tour and what the future may hold for each member. Plus a tribute to Eric Carr, and interviews with Bruce Kulick, Eric Singer & Mark St. John. As a bonus there are 16 full color pull-out posters covering the band's entire history. Very nicely done as are all the Metal Edge KISS special magazines. Due on newsstands March 28th, and available at the concert venues. It is now in stock at the KISS Shop
March 17
Paul Stanley Interview On - Friday March 17th
From: emailed KISS ASYLUM to inform everyone that there will be a live Paul Stanley interview with "the Rack" this Friday, March 17th, from 2-3 PM PST at the website.
KISS Abducted Into Cartoon World
From: Billboard Online
KISS has been animated -- again. The veteran rock act, currently in the midst of what it insists is its last-ever tour, is also starring in a 3-D digital animated series, "KISS Immortals," which is available for online viewing at 15 sites, including the KISS fan site The series features the real voices and music of KISS members Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Ace Frehley, and Peter Criss. In it, the foursome is abducted into an alien world devoid of music while in the midst of a concert tour. In real life, KISS' farewell tour visits Las Vegas today (March 17).
KISS On Entertainment Tonight Report
From: Jeff Koger
On Thurs 16 March, Entertainment Tonight ran a story on KISS filming their Pepsi commercial with Hallie Eisenberg, who has appeared in several spots for Pepsi, including one in which she mimes to Aretha Franklin. Included were comments from Paul and Gene, who said "Pepsi is very cool and a lot of fun, and that's what we've always been about." The footage shows Eisenberg in KISS-like makeup, strumming a guitar and, of course, wiggling her tongue along with Gene. The ad will debut during the Academy Awards.
KISS Rocks with 'Pepsi Girl' in New Pepsi Commercial
Joy Of Cola' Spot to Debut on Academy Awards Telecast
From: Entertainment Newswire
PURCHASE, N.Y., March 16 /PRNewswire/ -- KISS has dazzled generations of rock fans for nearly 27 years with hits like "Beth", "Detroit Rock City" and "Rock and Roll All Nite." But there's one song that has yet to creep into their playlist until now - Pepsi's "The Joy of Cola." In a new commercial set to debut on the Academy Awards telecast March 26 on ABC, KISS will perform its own rousing rendition of the Pepsi jingle. They'll be joined onstage by a special guest, "Pepsi Girl" Hallie Eisenberg. "KISS puts on one of the best stage shows in the history of rock, and their fans will attest to that," said Dawn Hudson, senior vice president, strategy and marketing, Pepsi-Cola Company. "In this commercial, we incorporate some of the elements that make KISS such a great act into a special rendition of 'The Joy of Cola' that people will surely remember." After over 25 years and nearly 80 million albums sold, legendary rock n' roll icons, KISS are currently on the final tour of their amazing career. The KISS "Farewell Tour" will be the final opportunity to see the four original KISS members -- Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Ace Frehley and Peter Criss -- perform on stage together. The 80-plus city tour will cover most of the U.S. and some of Canada over the next five months. With a history dating back to 1973 and over 30 albums to their credit, KISS remain one of the world's most successful and enduring acts.
March 16
KISS Talks to Fans Live on Rockline Radio Show
From: PR Newswire
LAS VEGAS, March 16 /PRNewswire/ -- Legendary Rock band KISS appeared Wednesday night, March 15 on the syndicated radio show, Rockline, interacting with listeners as they kicked off their Farewell Tour. The 90-minute weekly show featured interviews with KISS members in which they noted that they wanted to say farewell before, "...they are seen as a bunch of guys with big bellies in jump suits..." and promised, "...we're not coming back." While Paul Stanley stated, "...we make sure we give people their money's worth ..." The show covered a wide variety of topics about the band. Gene Simmons was quick to kill the rumor that, " tongue was grafted on from a cow or something." Quotes in their entirety follow. KISS recently launched their Farewell Tour on March 11 in Phoenix, Arizona. The band has sold over 75 million albums in their 27-year career. KISS members Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Ace Frehley and Peter Criss are also set to release Alive IV on March 28 (Mercury/Island Def Jam) [Now pushed back to April 18th]. During the Rockline broadcast, the members of KISS fielded questions from show host, Bob Coburn and listeners from across the country. Their responses included: Gene Simmons: Dispelling the wildest KISS rumor, "...another of the craziest rumors was that my tongue was grafted on from a cow or something." Peter Criss: Explaining the Farewell Tour, "...the worst thing would be to see a bunch of guys with big bellies in jump suits and can barely make it from one side to the other side of the stage. We want people to say, 'Wow, I saw those guys when they were absolutely phenomenal.'" Gene Simmons: Addressing KISS' fame, "...we've always been about the truth. Mean what we say and say what we mean -- and I'd like to announce I'm running for President! I don't believe anybody who says they don't love beautiful women, lots of money and the good life." Paul Stanley continued, "...we get paid really well for what we do, but we work real hard and make sure we give people their money's worth." Paul Stanley: When questioned if this is really it, stated, "...this IS the Farewell Tour. It's not like, 'wink', we're coming back next year...I promise you! We're not coming back."
Fan Report Of KISS On Rockline
From: Unholy / KISS ASYLUM Bulletin Board
The ROCKLINE interview with KISS was held last night in Las Vegas, and as usual, nothing substantial happened. First off, Ace didn't show up, (good for him!). Second, as usual, anytime the band was asked a question by a fan, they would skirt around the question by making a parody of it and going off on a tangent for 5 minutes. There was a fan for example that called to ask Gene when the box set was coming out, and Gene replied that he hasn't thought about the box set because there are to many "things" going on right now such as the Psycho Circus comic books, the wrestling thing, and other topics that had nothing to do with the question. Third, 50% of the interview was filled with commercials and KISS songs, so the interviews were held to a minimum. When the band was on, they ONLY talked about topics that we already know about. Absolutely nothing new at all. There was no discussion of the setlist, future plans (other than the 2 movies that Gene is invloved in), or what each band member would do musically once the tour is over. Although, a fan did call and ask that very question and as usual, Gene and Paul talked about everything but the question. So, all in all it was a very uneventful hour and a half.
World Without Heroes Gets Released
From: Kathy Labonte
Last Monday, March 6th, shipping for Dale Sherman's latest book began and several hundred people have received their order and are now starting to respond to this unique project. Dale's book is an adventure with KISS and features a blend of history and facts with the meeting of the fateful Talismans. Included in the back of the book is a 70 minute KAOL Soundtrack disc. 26 KISS songs carefully chosen to represent the story and serve as a musical Soundtrack to each chapter. These songs are re-created by KISS Army musicians all over the world. Well, the reviews are coming in already and here are some of the random comments from various customers: "I got my copy of this CD and I must say it is the best tribute CD on Kiss, hands down"...... "Frankly, I personally thought "nobody can do a KISS song like KISS. With this CD, I have discovered that's not the case. I haven't heard a version of the song on the CD I haven't liked"..... .."This Soundtrack is absolutely outstanding. The people from KAOL have outdone themselves this time." These are a limited edition and there are only about 300 left of the first printing. They are all handnumbered and will come with Certificates of Authenticity in your name and signed by Dale. To order, please visit the Kiss Army Online website at:
KISS ASYLUM BBS - Get Interactive!
The KISS Farewell Tour. Many fans saw it coming, while many were shocked and saddened by the news. Fans are excited to see KISS out on tour again, but at the same time know deep down that this might be the last time they get to see KISS live. Ever since KISS Alive! KISS has always been associated with the "live" album, and now with KISS Alive IV KISS perhaps closes the chapter on the KISS live album saga. Things are certainly happening in the KISS world, and there is no better time than now to check out the most active and frequented KISS bulletin boards on the internet at the KISS ASYLUM Kiss Army Online bulletin boards. For the last few months fans on the bulletin boards had been posting their thoughts and feelings about the possibility of the Farewell Tour, as well as their thoughts on the new Alive IV album, and ever since the official announcement came down in February the boards have been jam packed with posts on a myriad of topics. Now that the Farewell Tour has officially started fans are posting up their reviews and comments on the tour. If you haven't already, now is the time to join in on the fun! Just click to to exchange ideas with other KISS fans and post up your thoughts!
March 15
March 29th - More KISS Tour Dates Go On Sale
The second leg of KISS' Farewell Tour will be available for an Exclusive Presale on March 29th - 31th. If you want to be one of the first to know, click over to and fill out the form and we'll hook you up with the new date info as soon as it is finalized.
KISS On Rockline, Wednesday - 3/15
From: Nick Summers / Z 104
Just wanted to let you know Rockline is a show that is run Monday nights on most rock stations. This Wednesday (3/15) KISS will be the subject of a special edition of Rockline at 10:30pm central. You will have to contact your radio station to see if they will air it. It's not a mandated show. But of course I chose to air it right a way. Just thought you would like to know.
Nashville KISS Expo - April 16, 2000
From: Phil Elliott
Kreatures of the South and KISSaholics is proud to announce The 2nd Annual Nashville KISS Expo Sunday April 16, 2000. The Expo will take place at The Tennessee National Guard Armory (same location as the 1st Nashville Expo - I-65, Exit 79 (Armory Drive) from 11am-8pm. The very special guests will be former KISS drummer-Eric Singer, KISS Songwriter/Ace Frehley songwriter/bassist/guitarist/vocalist-Karl Cochran, Karl Cochran bassist/vocalist-Bruce Terkildsen, and former KISS bodyguard/KISS author-Andre "The Giant" Augustine. The special events inlcude:
Eric Singer Q & A session, and Autograph/Photo session!
Andre Augustine Q & A session, and Autograph/Photo session!
KISS Trivia Game Show!
KISS Tattoo & Look-alike Contest!
Chance to win a Eric Singer Autographed Pearl Drum!
Live performance by "The Eric Singer Project" featuring: Eric Singer-Drums/Vocals, Karl Cochran-Guitars/Vocals, & Bruce Terkildsen-Bass/Vocals!
KISS Dealers from all over the U.S., Canada, & Europe buying/selling & trading every KISS item imaginable!
The 1st Annual Nashville KISS Expo drew 800+ rowdy KISSfanatics! Come and plan on staying the whole day for a ton of surprizes! The Farewell tour hits Nashville April 28th so the city should be at fever pitch come April 16th! Are you ready for something different? The most unusual KISS Expo ever! Video cameras & Still cameras are welcome!
Click Here For Ticket & Hotel Information
KISS Phoenix Show Cybercast Still Available
Missed's KISS Phoenix show Cybercast last Saturday night? No problem. Just click over to's KISS page and they have the cybercast "on demand!."
March 14's Exclusive KISS Farewell Tour Photos
From: has some great exclusive KISS Farewell Tour photos from the first two KISS shows in Phoenix and Tucson. You won't see any better tour photos than these. Click Here to view the photos - Phoenix | Tucson
Gene Simmons 3/14 Chat Review
Here is a rundown of the March 14th chat for those of you who were not able to attend. Click Here To View The Highlights
Photo Special: KISS Farewell Tour Opening Night
From: via Mark
On Saturday, March 11, KISS kicked off its farewell tour at Blockbuster Desert Sky Pavilion. As always, the band's show was as much a visual spectacle as it was an audio assault. This four page pictorial captures some of the musical circus that is a KISS concert. Click Here to check out the exclusive photo special on the KISS concert!
KISS Farewell Tour Opening Night
(3-12-00) [] "You wanted the best! You got the best! The hottest band in the world... KISS!" As the band's name echoed through the crowd, the curtain dropped and rock and roll's face-painted foursome were lowered to the stage on a platform that descended from the ceiling, arms raised in a victorious pose. The two hour show that followed contained all the customary theatrics KISS' fansthe KISS Armyhave come to expect: explosions, pillars of flame, fire-breathing, blood-spewing, rocket-launching guitars, levitating drum risers, and tons and tons of confetti. There was, however, one subtle yet palpable difference about this gig: the band was saying goodbye. On Saturday night, March 11, KISS launched its farewell tour in Phoenix. After a 27-year career that has seen multiple lineup changes, makeup and non-makeup incarnations, and one of the most successful reunion tours in rock history, the band has decided to call it quits. Never known for its subtlety, however, KISS is going out with a bang rather than a whimper. Thus, Paul "Starchild" Stanely, Gene "The Demon" Simmons, "Space" Ace Frehley and Peter "Catman" Criss have embarked on a 75-city tour to bid their fans adieu. "This tour, some people think, is us celebrating what we did," said Stanley while addressing the rabid audience on Saturday night. "We couldn't have done this without you people. We are celebrating a victory we all had together! Nobody thought this would work, and you told them they were wrong!" Click Here To Read The Full Review!
KISS In The Press In Holland
From: KISS Kollector
After all the short bits on KISS' Farewell Tour and Alive IV in Dutch magazines and newspapers last month (most of those based upon the KISS Kollector Fanclub pressrelease), soon there will be some bigger articles in some magazines in Holland. This month there's a piece on KISS' Farewell Tour and the KISS Kollector Fanclub trip in Free - a magazine published by Holland's biggest record chain Free Record Shop. And in May there's gonna be a huge (10-14 page) article in Aloha, the Dutch version of England's Mojo
magazine. The article was supposed to appear in the April issue, but the author of the story will be attending an April concert in Houston and thus has to delay the story. For more info please check out
Review: KISS At Desert Sky Pavilion, Phoenix
From: via Steve Araki
(3-12-00) [LiveDaily]KISS' tour opener contained all the customary theatrics that the KISS Army has come to expect: explosions, pillars of flame, fire-breathing and blood-spewing,
rocket-launching guitars, levitating drum risers, and tons and tons of confetti. There was, however, one subtle yet palpable difference about this gig: the band was saying goodbye. On Saturday (3/11), KISS launched its farewell tour at Phoenix's Desert Sky Pavilion. After a 27-year career that has seen multiple lineup changes, incarnations with and without makeup, and one of the most successful reunion tours in rock history, the band has decided to call it quits. Never known for its subtlety, though, KISS is going out with a bang rather than a whimper. Thus, Paul ''Starchild'' Stanley, Gene ''The Demon'' Simmons, ''Space'' Ace Frehley and Peter ''Catman'' Criss have embarked on a 75-city tour to bid their fans adieu. ''This tour, some people think, is us celebrating what we did,'' said Stanley while addressing the rabid audience. ''We couldn't have done this without you people. We are celebrating a victory we all had together! Nobody thought this would work, and you told them they were wrong!''
Click Here To Read The Full Review
March 13
Metal Edge KISS Farewell Tour Special
From: Robert Fletcher
The new all KISS Metal Edge Farewell Tour Magazine is now available at the KISS Farewell Tour concert venues and in Phoenix, AZ I picked one up. Another great magazine from the people at Metal Edge. This book contains new interviews with all four, and 16 posters that span every era of KISS, if you go to the shows, pick one up or I think they'll be onsale on the newsstands by March 28th.
KISS Farewell Tour Concert Reviews
Since 1995 KISS ASYLUM has been the KISS fans' source for the most complete collection of KISS concert reviews. Continuing this goal, KISS ASYLUM is looking for concert reviews of The KISS Farewell Tour to be posted here at KISS ASYLUM's Views section for all online fans to read. Because only a select number of fans are lucky enough to attend these special KISS shows, KISS ASYLUM is looking for your feedback on the concerts to allow others that are not able to attend the shows get a chance to read about it and experience it from a fellow fan's eyes. A alot of fans have already submitted their reviews from the Alaska and Vancouver shows and they are currently up for everyone to read! To subit your review or read others' reviews click over to
KISS In The News
Below are links to a few articles covering KISS' tour through Arizona including a concert review.
(3-13-00) KISS Farewell Explodes - Visually & Musically [Arizona Republic]
(3-10-00) KISS Bids Rocking Farewell [Arizona Daily Star]
(3-9-00) Last KISS [Arizona Republic]
Fan Feedback: "KISS Lawsuits"
In February KISS announced that KISS Alive 4 would be released to coincide with the KISS Farewell tour. The domestic version would include 15 tracks while the import version would include 3 extra bonus tracks. In KISS ASYLUM's last Fan Feedback poll we wanted to know if you would buy the U.S. version of Alive 4 when it is released, wait for the Japanese Import version with bonus tracks, buy both, or buy neither? It was a close race between the choices of buying the Japanese version first and buying both. The Poll break down is as follows: Japanese version, 35.7% (1421 Votes); Both, 33.4% (1332 Votes); U.S. version, 21.2% (847 Votes); Neither 9.5% (378 Votes)
Recenlty published a report that "songwriter/publisher Stan Penridge and his Rock Steady Music have filed a lawsuit against KISS, their publishing companies, record label, and the KISS Organization for breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, unfair business practices, and violation of the Lanham Act." In the past, Vinnie Vincent and the owners of the rights to Alice Cooper's song "Eighteen" have filed lawsuits against KISS as well. In our current poll, KISS ASYLUM wants to know your view on these lawsuits against the band: Do you think they have validity, or is it just a ploy to get some attention by riding the coat tails of KISS and their resurgence in popularity over the past few years? Click over to to cast your vote and make your opinion heard. Also, don't forget to post up your comments about "KISS Lawsuits" on KISS ASYLUM's KISS Army Online bulletin board at
KISS Auction At VH1
KISS fans should check out the KISS Auction at There are lots of great items being auctioned off including Eric Carr stage boots, Bruce Kulick's ESP Horizon guitar, a signed Paul Stanley Ibanez, Eric Singer custom 25 piece Pearl drum set and more! Click Here to check out the auction!
March 12
KISS Farewell Tour Set List
From: Ozone
Here is the KISS Farewell Tour Set list as posted on the KISS ASYLUM Bulletin Boards. Bulletin Board poster, Ozone, said that he thinks he got them all and tried to get them in order. The set list is as follows: Detroit Rock City, Shout It Out Loud, Heavan's On Fire, Deuce, Firehouse, Shock Me, Psycho Circus, Calling Dr. Love, Let Me Go Rock & Roll, Do You Love Me?, Into The Void (Ace's Solo), Cold Gin, God Of Thunder, Lick It Up, I Love It Loud, 100,000 Years, Love Gun, Black Diamond, with encores: I Stole Your Love, Beth, Rock & Roll All Night
KISS Pepsi Commercial Shoot Reports
From: Robert M. Fletcher
I was one of a couple hundred fans that was cast as an extra in the filming of the new Pepsi Kiss commercial, and all I can really say is WHAT A NIGHT!! We arrived at the Desert Sky Pavillion at around 5:15P.M. They had a special area for us to sign in at, and once we signed in and had our photo taken, we were told to enjoy the catered food and snacks, and ALL the drinks(Pepsi) and other soft drinks we could handle. We ate and around
7:00P.M. we were led down a path to the "Set" as they called it; "Heaven" is what I called it.
Click Here To Read The Rest of This Report And More Reports!
KISS Live VH1 Screen Captures
From: Ed
Here are a few screen captures from KISS' performance last night on VH1. Click Here to view them.
KISS Concert Archive---Help Needed!
From: Jeff
Hello again, KISS fans. If you've ever seen a KISS concert, we need your help. After five years of research one last post for the KISS Concertology. For those of you familiar with the ever-ongoing KISS Concertology, skip over the next two paragraphs. For those who don't know what this project is...The KISS Concertology is a reference archive of every concert KISS has ever performed. When it is published as a book later this year, it will feature information on every KISS concert from 1973 to the present: in total, over 1,900 shows. Included in the vast database of information are show dates, venue names, opening and headlining acts, attendance figures, never-before-seen photos, setlists, plus
tons more. Despite over five years of painstaking research, we are still missing some valuable information. So, once or twice a year, we troll the vast network of KISS fans out on the internet in an attempt to fill in the missing information. As always, ANY assistance is always sincerely appreciated. (Of course, anyone who contributes information will be thanked in the book.)
Click Here To See How You Can Help! Chat With Bruce Kulick
From: UNION Asylum
On March 14th at 8pm eastern will hold a fan chat with Bruce Kulick. Bruce will be discussing his playing styles, UNION and UNION's latest album, "The Blue Room."
March 11
VH1 To Cybercast KISS Show Tonight - 3/11
Just a reminder to the KISS fans that VH1 will be cybercasting a part of the KISS Farewell Show tonight at their website At 11pm tonight Click Here to watch the cybercast!. Additionally, VH1 will also be broacasting some of the show on their VH1 channel tonight at 11pm est (although we have heard reports that it might start at 10:50pm so make sure to watch VH1 early). The broadcast is only slated to be 30 minutes.
Shout It Out Last
Saturday, March 11 is the beginning of the end for the mighty KISS. The legendary masked metallers will be taking fist-raising anthems like "Rock and Roll All Nite" and reflective ballads like "Beth" live to the KISS Army for the last time. It's going to be loud. It's going to be emotional. It's likely to catch fire. And you can watch it all kick off at the Phoenix Desert Sky Pavilion on's webcast beginning at 11 PM ET. The Farewell tour, which Paul Stanley at one point dubbed the Jews in Space tour, wasn't supposed to happen. Gene Simmons originally intended for the Psycho Circus tour to be the band's swan song, but he deemed that they hadn't done it properly. "We were basically going to hang up our high-heeled boots and say, 'Thanks very much, it's been great,' and go out on top," quoth the Demon to Wall of Sound. "Then we had a meeting of the hearts and minds and basically decided we have to do this the right way so that we can say goodbye from the stage and try to go out and be better than we've ever been and go out on top and go out on our own terms." "To try to come back from legend to reality again and to go right back to the top was so amazing that we kind of figured maybe it's time to call it quits," Stanley explained. "Then we figured there's nothing worse than when somebody leaves and doesn't say goodbye, and you didn't know they were going."
Click Here To Read The Full Article!
March 10
Gene Simmons On The End of KISS
KISS hits the road Saturday night in Phoenix to once again rock and roll all night and party every day. But only for a little while longer. The group has announced that this outing is its farewell tour, one last chance to breathe fire, spit blood, put on the makeup, and stomp around in those gigantic boots before calling it a day. Yes, we've heard this before from myriad rockers, but Gene Simmons says that since KISS is unlike anybody else -- natch -- the group isn't kidding. "We've never played that game," says Simmons, adding that KISS had decided that its 3-D "Psycho Circus" tour would be the last tour but changed its mind. "We were basically going to hang up our high-heeled boots and say, 'Thanks very much, it's been great,' and go out on top. Then we had a meeting of the hearts and minds and basically decided we have to do this the right way so that we can say goodbye from the stage and try to go out and be better than we've ever been and go out on top and go out on our own terms." As to why KISS is calling it a day now, Simmons says, "I don't know what else we could do except keep making records and keep touring. And I admire with all my heart what the Stones have done, which is basically put your head up high and go forward and do whatever you want to do that makes you happy instead of trying to figure out what works for other people. So, like our shows, we would always prefer to leave them wanting more instead of overstaying our welcome. KISS will continue in some ways -- certainly the comic books and other stuff will go on. But tours and albums, no. There's other things we want to do." Click Here To Read The Full Article!
March 9
KNAC.COM Joins KISS For Opening Night Of The Farewell Tour
In case you haven't heard, KISS and KNAC.COM are konnected at the hip. And boy are you gonna love what our official spokesmen have planned for the loudest dot com on the
planet. This Saturday, March 11th, the monstrous Farewell Tour commences in all it's volume, fire and glory in Phoenix, Arizona, and KNAC.COM will be there bringing you
the action as it happens! GM Rob Jones and myself are taking to the road, laptops, digi-cams and cell phones in hand and we'll be making the most of our all access passes by bringing you pre-show updates, stills and video from the show as it's happening, pre
and post-show interviews with band members, crew members, fans and whoever else we
can find with rockin' words of KISS worship to deliver. Stay tuned to KNAC.COM Saturday evening starting around 6pm PST (don't hold us to exact times, okay, 'cause we're really winging this one! It's more fun that way!). And that's only the beginning. Throughout the tour, we'll be giving away tickets, running exclusive road reports (wait until you hear who our official tour correspondent is! We'll tell ya soon.) and pretty much being inextricably connected to the mayhem from start to finish.
KISS To Wave Goodbye For A Long While
LOS ANGELES KISS are apparently not opposed to long goodbyes. Their Farewell Tour, which they swear is their last, had been scheduled through June 3 in San Bernardino, Calif., with as-yet-unannounced dates taking it into mid-July. But now there's no telling
when it will end, singer/guitarist Paul Stanley said. "Thirty shows sold out in one day, so we keep adding more," Stanley said on Saturday. "We'll just see how many we wind up doing." Stanley said the rock band is toying with the scheduling of the latter part of the tour, "so we don't go to certain places that we'd rather save until the end." No changes have been made to already-announced dates for the tour, which begins on Saturday in Phoenix. The band's decision to call it quits as a recording and touring entity stemmed from the feeling that KISS had "accomplished everything we wanted to do and more," Stanley said. "To try to come back from legend to reality again and to go right back to the
top was so amazing that we kind of figured maybe it's time to call it quits," he
said. "Then we figured there's nothing worse than when somebody leaves and doesn't say goodbye, and you didn't know they were going." "It's better to leave early than stay too late," he continued. "To kind of bow out on top is something most people don't get to do."
Click Here To Read The Full Article!
Omaha KISS Expo Ticket Information
From: Jonathan Bear
Tickets for the Omaha KISS Expo 2000 which takes place April 2nd from 12-8pm at the Holiday Inn Central Omaha, go on-sale at Ticketmaster this Saturday at 10 a.m. Anyone interested in booking a hotel room at the expo rate of $69 must reserve the room by the 20th by calling 402-393-3950. Let's show everyone that Omaha knows how to rock! Encourage anyone you know who's a KISS fan to rush out and purchase their tickets. We expect overwhelming ticket sales because of all the interest everyone has shown. Advance ticket sales are $15 in advance; $20 day of show....(but we don't expect there to be any left!). Look forward to seeing all of you there! Click here for detailed information on the Omaha KISS Expo.
Fans Begin To Receive KISSTORY II
From: Keith Hayse
Finally got my KISSTORY II book! After a year and a half wait, the KISSTORY II book finally arrived. I just finished taking my first look through and it's pretty nice. Only complaint is they censored the shots of the girls "down there," but otherwise I thought it was great. The poster isn't attached to the book so you can take it out and look at it. The first side is a shot of all the girls from Playboy and the reverse is the "behind-the-scenes" montage. Alot of the merchandise pictures are blurry, but I guess that was the effect they were going for. There are alot of drawings of original designs for merchandise, notes from Gene all over them, alot of proposed and "in-the-work" projects and a good bit of the book dedicated to fans' collections. The fans collections are breathtaking and some of the fan-made merchandise is absolutely incredible. It will take some time to take the whole book in but I'm not arguing. Definately worth ordering.
March 7
KISS Tour News / Paul To Reprise Role As 'Phantom' In The Fall
From: via Fred Swift
The Hollywood Palladium was the place to be on Saturday night, when KNAC.COM
hosted its first annual Karnival One. Stanley, attending with producer Bob Ezrin, was looking forward to the start of KISS' Farewell Tour, which kicks off on Saturday in Phoenix, AZ, following several days of production rehearsals and a Pepsi commercial shoot there on the 9th. Right now, the dates run through mid-July, ending with two tentative dates at New York's Madison Square Garden, but that will likely change. "We're having trouble figuring out how we're gonna end it. People don't seem to want it to end so we keep extending the tour," Stanley said. "There may be a week at the Garden." It can't be extended indefinitely, however, since the singer has a commitment to reprise his Phantom of the Opera title character (which he previously played on the Toronto stage) on Broadway in the fall. "So there's only so long I can go," he noted. "But I'll go as long as I can." To Cybercast First Half Hour Of Opening KISS Show
From: KISS ASYLUM announced today that they will be cybercasting the first half hour of KISS' opening night performance this Saturday night at 11pm eastern time. Click over to VH1 to watch the cybercast that evening.
The Fox 103.5 FM in Denver Giving Away "KISS Bug!"
From: Fox 103.5 FM via Brian French
March 28th at The Pepsi Center: KISS, Ted Nugent, and Skid Row. THE SHOW IS SOLD OUT. Not only does The Fox 103.5 FM have tickets, we've got your chance to win The Fox's KISS Car complete with front row tickets in the glove box!!! It's Easy To Win!!! 1.) Join The Fox Work Force, 2.) Listen to Lewis and Floorwax weekdays at 7am, 3.) If they call out your name, you've got 60 minutes to call them back at (303) 631-2FOX to pick up a pair of tickets and a key that might start up The Fox's KISS Car!
March 6
KISS Alive IV Delayed?
In the Life section of Friday's edition of USA Today there was a small mention about the upcoming KISS Farewell tour. In the small newsbit USA Today mentioned that KISS Alive IV would be released on April 18th, contrary to the the release date previously given at the KISS Farewell news conference last month. KISS ASYLUM has also received numerous emails over the past week from various music industry retailers/wholesalers across the US reporting that their computer systems are listing an April (either 11th or 18th) release date for KISS Alive IV.
Bruce's KISS Collection on VH1
From: UNION Asylum
Bruce contacted UNION Asylum to let fans know that VH1 taped a segment with Bruce recently about KISS collecting. The episode is scheduled to air March 12th at 9am. Bruce also signed and donated an ESP Horizon guitar for the Save The Music Foundation. In addition to the VH1 episode, Bruce also wanted fans to know that he and John will appear at the Pheonix KISS Party at the club RIO (phone: 602-894-6779) on the 9th of March, and will be promoting UNION's show at the Mason Jar on March 19th.
March 4
KISS Top Requested Concert Tour On The Internet
From: Pollstar via Vicki deCarlo
According to Pollstar's Concert Hotwire, KISS is the #1 most requested concert tour on the internet. Click Here to view the top 50. Interviews Gene Simmons
For nearly three decades, KISS has been churning out hit albums and entertaining people all around the world. Unless you've been trapped beneath a heavy object since 1973, it's nearly impossible to have missed one of the most successful marketing campaigns ever waged by a rock 'n' roll band. In addition to numerous studio recordings, live albums, and solo projects, fans were treated to an endless variety of merchandise, ranging from comic books, to trading cards, to action figures, and more. There was a movie, (KISS Meets The Phantom of The Park) and many sold-out world tours, not to mention the media frenzy that surrounded the "unmasking" of the members in 1980. The combination of straightforward rock 'n' roll, spectacular stage shows, and admirable business savvy turned KISS into legends in their own time. Their popularity continues to this day, as evidenced by annual KISS conventions, a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and representation on MTV's hit claymation series, Celebrity Death Match. Last year, New Line Cinema released Detroit Rock City, a film about four Midwestern boys and the adventures they have on their quest to see KISS at Cobo Hall in Detroit during the 1977 Love Gun tour. Gene Simmons took a break in the NetCafe to discuss his involvement in the movie, and what the band has in store for its fans. Click Here To Read The Interview!
ClownWhite KISS Fanzine News
From: Deno
Issue 4 of CLOWNWHITE will be ready to hit the shelves, Friday 10th March 2000. An exclusive interview with Gene Simmons was taken on Thursday morning and looks set to top off a great new issue. Gene, whose message for every rock star that has a problem with money was - "Here's the answer: make a personal cheque out to Gene Simmons for your entire net worth and weıll both be happier. Iıll be happier because Iıll be even filthier rich - you'll be happier cos you wonıt have this burden on your shoulder and everybody else will be happier because itıll stop your fucking whining!" - was in FINE. To order ClownWhite email Deno, the editor, at Gene Simmons Chat - March 13
Gene Simmons, the Demon with the monster tongue, will be chatting on March 13th at 9pm est about his career with KISS and the movie Detroit Rock City. Also, see if you can get him to talk about the Marvel comic about KISS. Click here for more information.
March 3
KISS Inviting Fans To Appear in KISS TV Commercial
From: Metal Edge Online
KISS, who will do production rehearsals for the Farewell Tour in Phoenix, AZ in advance of the kickoff there on March 11, will shoot a TV commercial there on March 9 and are inviting fans to be paid extras in the spot. The interviews will take place this Sunday, March 5 at the Embassy Suites Hotel at 1515 N. 44 St. at the Turquoise Room, 3rd. Floor between noon and 6 PM. (call 602 244-8800 for directions.) Dress as you would to attend a KISS concert (makeup, costumes, etc.). In celebration of KISS launching the tour in town, Phoenix's Rio will hold a party, also on the 9th, featuring appearances by ex-band members Eric Singer and BruceKulick. Singer will perform with the cover band Glamnation and Kulick, with UNION partner John Corabi, will perform acoustically to open the show. UNION's tour begins the following week, with a return to Phoenix (at the Mason Jar) on March 19. As for Glamnation, upcoming Los Angeles shows
include March 12 at the Gig in Hollywood and May 9 at Club Makeup at the El Rey Theater. Singer is also playing on half the upcoming Guns N' Roses tribute record in the works for Deadline/Cleopatra.
March 2
KISS Sued By Publisher/Writer For Breach Of Contract
From: via Jerry Cornish
Songwriter/publisher Stan Penridge and his Rock Steady Music have filed a lawsuit against Kiss, their publishing companies, record label, and the Kiss Organization for breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, unfair business practices, and violation of the Lanham Act. The suit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court on Tuesday (Feb. 28), claims that the band has not paid Penridge for the publishing monies on Kiss songs he says to have authored or co-authored, including "Beth." It states, in part, that Kiss, Universal, and Hori Productions have engaged in "willfully, intentionally and consistently underaccounting [sic] or refusing to account for royalties owing to Plaintiff and paying over to him substantially less money than is properly due and owing to Plaintiff." Also named as defendants are Kiss Catalog, the Kiss Company, Kiss Songs, Universal Music Group, Universal Music Publishing, MCA Music, PolyGram Holdings, PolyGram Records, Mercury Records, PolyGram Publishing, PolyGram International Publishing, PRI Music, and Famous Music Corporation. -- Carrie Borzillo
More UNION Venue Tour Date Info
From: UNION Asylum
UNION Asylum has posted additional tour date info on some of the venues. Click over to UNION Asylum to view the tour schedule venue details.
The KISS Army Online Reaches Its Goal
From: Kathy Labonte
The KISS Army OnLine (KAOL) and the non profit record label, MusiCare Online are proud to announce our newest donation to the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin. The first $1000 from pre-sales of the current KISS Tribute project, Dale Sherman's new book w/Soundtrack entitled, "A World Without Heroes", will be presented next week. This latest donation marks the 5th time that money has been generated for the KAOL/Eric Carr fund at the hospital since the start of the KAOL KISS Tribute CDs first began in 1997. That series of CDs made by the KISS Army musicians, and soon to be a complete Trilogy this summer, brought in over $4000 for the fund after costs and overhead. As such, the donation being made next week from the Dale Sherman project will bring us slightly over our original goal of $5000, the amount needed to purchase the KAOL/Eric Carr Memorial plaque to be hung in the cancer wing of the pediatric hospital. Details on the plaque presentation will follow shortly. This particular donation is a special one. Not only does it bring us to our long awaited goal of having the plaque hung forever, but it marks the very first time that a KAOL product has generated so much income during the pre-sale period that we are able to donate immediately in conjunction with the official release of the product. "A World Without Heroes" begins shipping this week and what a way to kick it off. Huge thanks to all of the special customers who pre-ordered this book and Soundtrack. Your presence is being felt just like the KISS Army always has. For those of you who have not yet ordered, don't miss out on this chance to make a difference. Although the product is just now being released, because of high presales we've only got a couple of hundred copies left from this first printing. But we do need to sell them out before we can reprint for distribution in national chains. This first batch is all hand numbered and comes with Certificates of Authenticity in your name and signed by Dale. The KAOL Soundtrack in the back holds over 70 minutes of music. 25 re-created KISS songs to follow each chapter of the novel. To complete the package, all mail orders come with a Collector's set "World Without Heroes" custom pen and bookmark. Come to the website and order instantly with credit card or by phone. |
March 1
KISS On VH1's "Opening Night Live" March 11th
From: via Ben Escobedo
Saturday, March 11th, the opening night of the KISS tour, KISS will be on VH1's Opening Night Live show from 11:30pm to 12:00 am ET.
Alternate Album Focus: Hotter Than Hell!
From: Rich Hund
The insatiable appetite of KISS fans for news on their favorite group has never been fed as much as it has been in the last few years. Many long-term KISS fans learned the band's history slowly and in patches, first through their music and album covers, then magazine articles and rumors from classmates in school, and finally through the KISSTORY book, various biographies, and the Internet. These fans now know more than ever about the
personalities, studio musicians, mindsets of members throughout the years. And yet so much mystery remains. So many stories, facts and tidbits remain shrouded in secrecy. The Alternate Album Focus rips off this veil and exposes KISS for who they really were and are. In its first installment author Rich Hund explored the myths of KISS's first album. Now, in the second installment he focuses - alternatively - on the band's second album.
Hotter Than Hell: For this album, the band wanted an even rawer sound than on their debut. Kenny Kerner and Richie Wise therefore had the group record in a closed metal dumpster behind the studio, which explains the unique "voices that sound like drums that sound like guitars that sound like voices" blend. This led to speculation that a stand-in striking garbage collector played the solo on "Mainline," but was refuted by Gene in a 1978 press interview....
Click Here To Read The Entire Hotter Than Hell Album Focus Parody!
KISS Guitar Tabs
The #1 source for KISS Guitar and Bass tabs on the internet! A great resource for those KISS fans that can wield an ax!
KISS Album Focus
Exploring the history of the band through each album release. You'll be able to find out the logic behind the releases, what was going on in the band during the recording of albums, what the band was up to in the period leading up to studio time, and lots more information which should be of interest to the diehard fan!
Sound Off KISS Army
KISS ASYLUM wanted to open the door to other writers out there and give them a place where they can voice their opinions about KISS. We bet there are more than a few of you who have at least one KISS related topic burning in you that you'd love to write a one time piece about. Well, KISS ASYLUM is happy to bring to you a forum in which to do so in our new feature "SOUND OFF!" KISS ARMY.
KISS Thought Vault
The "Summertime Memories" Kiss Thought Vault finds Ron Albanese waxing nostalgic over summers past, by way of release dates and pinball. A certain starry-eyed little girl also secures her place in Vault history. Also mentioned: The Harlem Globetrotters.
KISS Video Spotlight
What I have in store for you is a real treat. What you are about to read is an interview I recently completed with WNEW DJ (and fellow NJ resident) Ed Trunk.
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