KISS Video Spotlight (C) 2001-1997 Byron Fogle / KISS ASYLUM
Please Note My NEW email address:
Welcome to my feature on bootleg videos. I have been trading and collecting KISS videos for over 5 years and have a vast amount of knowledge. However, I don't claim to know everything. If I make a mistake on something please correct me. This article is for you the fans so let's make it great together.
My purpose each month is to break down a certain KISS concert and review it for performance & quality of the tape. I also will do a poll to get your opinions on what song from what video you prefer as the ultimate performance of the song.
I hope you the KISS fans will find it funny as well as informative. I welcome any requests, comments & questions you may have. Feel free to email me and as the subject put bootleg videos.
KISS Farewell Tour Review:
Skid Row/Ted Nugent/ KISS - Jones Beach June 9th 2000
KISS Video Spotlight:
Eric Carr Rockheads EP Review
Issue #1: 1980 Sydney Australia Pro Shot
Issue #2: 1976 Detroit Dressed To Kill Pro Shot
Issue #3: 1974 San Francisco Hotter Than Hell Pro Shot
Issue #4: 1988 "A Crazy Night With KISS" -- Crazy Nights Pro Shot
Issue #5 1994 Chile Kiss My Ass Pro Shot
Issue #6 1976 Anaheim Destroyer Pro Shot
Issue #7 1976 Destroyer Rehearsals Loft Tape
Issue #8 1993 Foundations Forum
Issue #9 1983 Creatures of the Night Rio Show
Issue #10 1979 Largo Dynasty Show
Issue #11 1998 Second Coming Home Video
Issue #12 1977 KISS Tokyo Show
Issue #13 1999 KISS Argentina Show
Issue #14 KISS Unauthorized Video & Jack Sawyers Interview
Issue #15 1990 Hot In The Shade Tour
Special Issue "The Vintage / Unathorized" Review
NEW Issue #16 Eddie Trunk Interview
Video Spotlight Note:
Just a brief note to all who have inquired about my video collection. I DO NOT sell my videos. I used to trade but with the Government & RIAA's actions of late I cannot offer my videos any longer. I'm writing this since I've recieved a lot of requests about this matter. If the RIAA will lighten up and see we the KISS fans are rabid and want to get our hands on videos for our viewing pleasure and not for profit and they don't seek actions against the tape traders, I'd be more than happy to trade once again cause this is hurting my collection not being able to get footage that I'd like to see and or review. So please don't send any e-mails asking me this. If you have any questions I'll be more than happy to answer them.
A very popular question I've received as of late is since where can you the KISS fans get videos from. My best advice would be try KISS Expos, small local record shops that may carry videos/CD's, or record shows in your areas, & last but not least check the web you may find some traders/sellers out there. Hmm maybe even from a certain Video Spotlight writer too?????. Good Luck -- Byron Fogle
Copyrighted (c) 1997-2001 KISS ASYLUM, all rights reserved.
Please do not reproduce this feature without prior consent!
KISS Guitar Tabs
The #1 source for KISS Guitar and Bass tabs on the internet! A great resource for those KISS fans that can wield an ax!
KISS Album Focus
Exploring the history of the band through each album release. You'll be able to find out the logic behind the releases, what was going on in the band during the recording of albums, what the band was up to in the period leading up to studio time, and lots more information which should be of interest to the diehard fan!
Sound Off KISS Army
KISS ASYLUM wanted to open the door to other writers out there and give them a place where they can voice their opinions about KISS. We bet there are more than a few of you who have at least one KISS related topic burning in you that you'd love to write a one time piece about. Well, KISS ASYLUM is happy to bring to you a forum in which to do so in our new feature "SOUND OFF!" KISS ARMY.
KISS Thought Vault
The "Summertime Memories" Kiss Thought Vault finds Ron Albanese waxing nostalgic over summers past, by way of release dates and pinball. A certain starry-eyed little girl also secures her place in Vault history. Also mentioned: The Harlem Globetrotters.
KISS Video Spotlight
What I have in store for you is a real treat. What you are about to read is an interview I recently completed with WNEW DJ (and fellow NJ resident) Ed Trunk.
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