Over the years KISS ASYLUM has had some great articles from our columnists in the Video Spotlight (Byron Fogle), KISS Thought Vault (Ron Albanese), Diamonds In The Rough (Dale Sherman), and KISS Album Focus (Julian Gill) features among others. In addition to the reoccuring articles from these great authors, we wanted to open the door to other writers out there and give them a place where they can voice their opinions about KISS. We realize not everyone may want to write a column on a regular basis, but we bet there are more than a few of you who have at least one KISS related topic burning in you that you'd love to write a one time piece about. Well, KISS ASYLUM is happy to bring to you a forum in which to do so in our new feature "SOUND OFF!" KISS ARMY. "SOUND OFF" is the place where YOU get a chance to be a guest columnist at KISS ASYLUM. If you have something you want to get off your chest and share with other KISS fans we encourage you to email us and submit the essay! From your own creative idea for how KISS could gain new fans, to what you think really went "wrong" with the KISS/Vinnie Vincent relationship, to your take on the KISS merchandizing, to an analysis on the evolution of KISS album covers.... if you want to write about it, we want to help you share it with fellow members of the KISS ARMY! Perhaps you have been motivated to respond to something written by one of the other feature writers here at KISS ASYLUM? Now is your chance to "SOUND OFF" and be heard! "SOUND OFF!" - SOUND OFF Archives: Recent Articles | Articles 21-40 | Articles 41-60 | Articles 61-80 | Articles 81-100
We all know that ever since the Reunion Gene and Paul have answered the question of when KISS will "end" by responding that they'd stop "When it wasn't fun anymore." Well, "Sound Off" author Steve Corral wants to know who's having fun. He points out that KISS "broke up for a lot of different reasons, all of which appear to be popping up all over again." He also notes that the fans seeming to be increasingly frustrated with the state of the band, in large part because "the 'for the fans' rap is getting old." He wants to know, does Gene really think we're all stupid, and Is It Fun For Anyone Anymore? Music. The "meat and potatoes" of KISS is music. So says "Sound Off" author Michael Papaleonardos, who thinks we've been fed nothing but "icing" pretty much since the Reunion. Michael wonders if Gene realizes that to the fans, "When you continually pump stuff and then don't deliver, it leaves a sour taste in your mouth." From the use of session players on Psycho Circus ("insane"), to the 3D effects on the Psycho Circus tour ("a complete bomb"), to the continual letdown since the Reunion ("fans seem to be running away in droves"), Michael points out that we're not getting the "meat and potatoes" we deserve, and that Nothing But Icing Will Make You Sick. Is KISS the ultimate rock and roll story, or the ultimate rock 'n roll cliche? "Sound Off" author Jace thinks KISS was "a young band who shocked and conquered the world with something special and individual, and then pissed it all away through a combination of self-indulgence, drugs, alcohol and meglomania." Jace points out that after years of getting no respect, KISS reunited and kicked ass with the 96/97 Reunion Tour giving no option for even the mainstream media to accept the "resurgent fame and fortune" of the band. But then what did they do? They gave us Psycho Circus ("Which wasn't enough for us and certainly wasn't good enough for the rest of the public to buy -- hence only Gold status."); out of control merchandise ("...most, if not all of which is SHIT. Overpriced, tacky SHIT."); Detroit Rock City ("It was absurd at that point to go and make a movie when they should have had full focus on creating Psycho Circus and/or its follow up and the live show..."); and side projects ("As much as we love them, KISS missed their chance at being superstars again, and rather than drag a dead horse of a band around they're content to let it go."). Jace clearly thinks what KISS has done is Make The World Take Notice Again... And Then Fade Away. Kent touches on a couple of points in his "Sound Off" essay, including an analysis of the (in his opinion) false allegation that Ace hasn't pulled his weight in KISS over the years. Kent notes that it's always Gene & Paul in the interviews and on the records, and wonders if Ace "not pulling his weight" isn't really a matter of a demon with an over-inflated ego who prevents Ace (and Peter) from getting equal time? Kent also wonders why Gene alwayes promises the fans the best yet rarely seems to deliver of late, and points out to Mr. Simmons that after all the overpriced merchandise and over-inflated egos.... We're Still Waiting. "Sound Off" author Carol Hendrix writes: "I want to give my opinion on KISS merchandise for European fans. I live in Europe and I love a lot of the merchandise that's put out by KISS. I know there a lot of silly things released (like candles, underwear, golfballs etc.) but also a lot of cool things like: action figures, masks, 24" dolls etc. I have bought some of this expensive merchandise, and expensive is the word I want to talk about." If you think we have it bad here in the US with costs, check out why Carol says It's More Expensive In Europe! Well, it was bound to happen. Yes, a "Sound Off" essay questioning the loyalty of some of the KISS fans who have expressed concerns and criticisms of the band has finally washed ashore. But wait -- rather than making personal attacks, author Joe Spinelli has put forth some interesting points in defense of KISS in his essay. Toys and merchandise annoy you? Don't buy it. Didn't like Psycho Circus? Joe thinks its the best KISS album song for song since Creatures. Think KISS should "hang it up"? Be careful what you ask for, you might get it. Joe is a proud "KISS freak" who thinks more KISS fans need to Put Up Or Shut Up! "Sound Off" author Ian Danter brings us the UK perspective on the current state of KISS, and is quite put off by all the "moaning and whinging from KISS fans" that he's read in some of the previous articles. Ian is of the opinion that we KISS fans don't seem to recognize a good thing when we've got it, and believes a lot of the criticism he's reading is approaching Nigel Tufnel/Spinal Tap levels of "nitpicking." Instead of looking for things to criticize, how 'bout thinking back to how happy you were when you first heard about the reunion? Or how cool it was to have new music -- period! -- from KISS to listen to? By Ian's measure, "We KISS fans are standing too close to the band to be properly objective about their progress - let them introduce wrestlers, let them do Broadway musicals, let them do whatever they want" and Consider Ourselves Lucky. Quite a few of our "Sound Off" submissions thus far have been critical of KISS for one reason or another. In his submission, Erik Bingham takes a constructive criticism approach by suggesting items to make up a "checklist" for the ultimate KISS album for the band's next effort. Some of Erik's suggestions make perfect sense and are hard to argue with: Everyone must contribute to the record; each member needs to play his own instrument; trust each other and work as a team. Others, while perhaps not universally agreed to, still sound logical: Forget about past success and focus on the present; don't record anything that can't be reproduced live; write songs together and jam in the studio. Then there are a few which are bound to be met with some raised eyebrows and "I don't think so's": Leave Bob Ezrin out of it; record one of Eric Carr's Songs; before the band enters the studio, they should go to family counseling; record a cover song. Agree with him or not, Erik has sure created one heck of a Checklist For The Ultimate KISS Album. This "Sound Off" could also have been called, "Stick A Fork In Them, They're Done!" But Dene Williams is very specific in pin-pointing when it seems "the wheels were becoming loose" with KISS, and it begins with the recording of the Psycho Circus album ("KISS owed us more than what we got with Psycho Circus, a damn sight more."). From Ace & Peter being "replaced" by Bruce Kulick and Kevin Valentine ("We all know now that Gene lied."), to the lack of variety in the set list ("When you have a catalouge of some 13 albums from the original 4, it seems that a bit of variety is in order."), to the "insane" merchandising ( "KISS had become a Gene Simmons ATM money machine"), to Paul's new found focus on the -- theater -- stage ("This tells me that Paul has also had enough. I think Paul knows that the horse has run its race and its time to go out to pasture."), to the demon wrestler ("As for the wrestling debacle, I'm not even going to start on that. We all know what a joke that was."), Dene has had it with KISS. Click Here To Read Why Dene Feels Kissed Off Down Under! Based on the title, how do you think Rick Spataro really feels? But seriously, Rick brings up some points it is very hard to ignore concerning the way he feels the fans have been treated since the Reunion. His three areas of concern include: Ace's level of (un)involvement with the band... and Gene and Paul continuing to lie about it; the huge failure to deliver the goods on the Psycho Circus tour and its "cheesy" 3D effects ("The cheesiness was so much so that I didn't feel the need for the consumption of any cheese-food products for a month!"); and Gene and Paul's increasing involvement in outside projects at the expense of focusing on KISS first and foremost. All this and more is why Rick thinks KISS should KISS Our Asses... We Made You! Wanna know the real reason the Detriot Rock City movie flopped? Well, according to "Sound Off" author Steve Baginskie it's because KISS pissed off too many fans. And even though Steve's been a fan since the '70s ("I'm the guy they talk about when they mention their fans defending the 'KISS Honor' in school with a savage tongue, and bloody fists."), he counts himself among those pissed off fans. The disappointing Psycho Circus album ("Then the first listen -- no sex song! And only 10 tracks that don't even last an hour."), "disappearing" support tour, and band's general failure to "honestly take care of the fans that put the money in your pocket" are just a couple of the reasons Steve thinks KISS needs to Wake Up Guys! Though most of us hate taking tests, Richard Hund has come up with a "KISS Test" everyone will enjoy taking, and get a kick out of to boot! According to Richard: KISS acts like that girlfriend/boyfriend who makes you feel really special, who says they'd do anything for you, who nearly blinds you (with their love and their devotion). But when you look objectively at the person, you sometimes see how what they do for you doesn't match what you actually need, or originally received, from them. Are you blinded by your relationship with KISS? Is it time to "reevaluate the relationship" and correct the weak spots? Most die-hard KISS fans like Richard are: 1) actually damn stupid, or 2) assumed to be stupid but actually remain thoughtful of what KISS lays out for them. Take Richard's test to find out which one you are! Chris Karam correctly notes that: One of the more controversial topics in KISS fandom is the amount of overdubbing that took place on KISS' classic live albums "Alive!" and "Alive II." Of the two, "Alive II" is a bit more controversial because there have been hints and allegations that the album is not live at all, or that parts of it aren't. Well, in his "Sound Off" Chris analyzes just how "live" Alive II is, and supports his analysis by reference to a bootleg called "The Lost Alive II Album," which he contends contains the "Alive II" version of "Beth".... not recorded at L.A.'s Forum, but at Tokyo's Budakon in Japan! What do you think? ALIVE II: Is It Live Or....? Has KISS gone too far down that same road that spelled disaster in the late 70's? Has the retooled merchandising machine and outside projects come to, once again, signal the "KISS of death?" Kevin Potts thinks so. In his "Sound Off" essay Kevin notes that, "KISS has overextended themselves, and I think it's time we all recognized that the 'Hottest Band In The World' has finally, after years of hanging on by their fingernails and having that golden 'second chance' come along with Bruce and Eric Singer, reached its end." Gene's renewed interest in Holloywood, Ace & Peter's lack of participation, Paul's apparent lack of focus on KISS for the first time ever -- all signal "the end" to Kevin. Do you agree? Click here for the KISS Of Death! Ever ambitious are KISS fans, and as such Patrick Maxwell has decided to address not just one, or even two topics in his "Sound Off" essay, but three. Fair weather fans (Boy, there were a lot of people at those 1996-97 reunion shows weren't there? Where the hell were you "fans" for the Revenge or Crazy Nights tours?), too much merchandising (Gene says, "We're turning down stuff left and right"!! What the hell are you turning down, man??), and the original line-up playing non make-up material (It's silly to not play songs from a 15 year span because 2 of the original members were not in the band when those songs were done.) are all hit upon by Patrick in this Triad Of Thoughts. In the cleverly entitled "KISS My Aspirin" our newest "Sound Off" author Andy explains why KISS is giving him a headache! And Andy's "talking about a bunch vodkas with beer chasers, stayed up all night, worshipped at the porcelin alter, just ran out of cigarettes and I'm late for work kind of headache!" From Paul Lynde's Halloween Special, to the belt buckles and pajamas, to the concerts and conventions, to the overpriced KISStory and new merchandising glut, Andy has seen and done it all and is no fly-by-night KISS fan. Yet, in this personal journey through KISStory as seen by Andy he explains why, after over 20 years of riding the highs and lows with the boys from New York he's finally had enough. Click here to KISS My Aspirin! KISS fans certainly are an opinionated bunch. While most are overflowing with suggestions on how KISS could do a host of things different or better, Steve Ponchaud takes the unique approach of suggesting that, "Our opinion doesn't matter, and it SHOULDN'T!" Interesting theory? Absolutely. So is his declaration that he hates almost everyone he sees at KISS concerts and conventions, and thinks you do too! Click here to read why It Doesn't Matter What Our Opinion Is! Well, it didn't take too long to receive a "Sound Off" submission that's likely to ruffle some feathers! In this issue of "Sound Off" Joe Roggi has bluntly answered the questions of "Why Not?" posed by our previous authors with his opinion of exactly why not and what KISS should be about. He goes on to suggest that if KISS can't give the fans what they deserve they should "end it now before any more embarrasement!!" Click here for Joe's none too subtle thoughts on KISS! Jon Law Hastings has decided to use Bill's debut "Sound Off" as his starting point, beginning his own eassy by responding to several of the points raised by Bill. Jon's "Sound Off" really takes off, however, when he hits "Dream World." Jon has created his ultimate KISS concert experience, complete with pre-show video montage, opening band (UNION) and set list, and one hell of a KISS (past and present) live set, down to the exciting visual descriptions of events which he proposes accompany some of the songs in the set list (full orchestra, Gene in a ring of fire, Peter - and his drum kit! - getting up close and personal with the crowd)! Wanna visit dream world? Just click here.... and Welcome to the show! In the debut issue of "Sound Off" Bill Francavilla asks a simple, yet complicated question of KISS: "Why not?" Why can't they add certain songs to the set list? Why can't they have a "KISS family" band like ESP or UNION open for them? Why can't they focus more on merchandise the fans really want.... if they must have the merchandise at all? Why can't Ace and Peter contribute (more) to the albums? These questions and more are asked by Bill, who also includes his own ideal "answers" to most of them. Click here to read what Bill has to say! ![]()
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